"Grinnin' like a mule eatin' saw briars."

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Early in the mornin', I can't sleep ... wait. Not the Rod Stewart song. In this case, I'm rockin' out to cane. Or bamboo, if you're one of the snobby folks. From West to East, has there ever been another type of equipment so often revered and under used? But I don't have anything particular to say other than this: you probably look more like an idiot fishing your 7 foot boo than you did shelling out twice what the damn things worth. Take solace in that.


Rob said...

Great blog. I'm not much of a trout fisherman, but I have been fortunate enough to spend some time fishing in the streams over in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park while on vacation there a couple years ago. Look forward to reading more from your blog!

James Cates said...

Thanks, Rob! I appreciate it. I appreciate more meeting other outdoorsmen. Hope you enjoyed the waters in the Smokies, they truly are beautiful and frustratingly hard to fish. Hope you had luck while you were here, and keep in touch!